Pauline Penedo

Certified Systems Business Coach®
Pauline Penedo

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NOW is the time to create exactly the business you always meant to have.

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Business Coaching & Training

For Small Business Owners

Get results faster than doing it alone.

I’m Pauline McGuirk Penedo, wife to Paul and mother to my three greatest challenges and gifts, my children, Jo, Alli and Conor. I originate from Dublin, Ireland and by trade I am a licensed hair stylist and real-estate agent. I hold a blackbelt in Shotokan karate and I am a lifelong learner.

Running my own small business for 15 years has taught me a lot. I have learned how to be a better leader, how to navigate and overcome challenges and how important it is to work on my weaknesses and exploit my strengths. I understand personally the life of the small business owner and how it can be a roller coaster of emotions from exciting and lucrative to stressful and insecure. I hope to empower you with processes, implement useful systems, create a strong team culture, lower your stress and give you back more time to spend on the things that bring you joy.

My intention is to bring to you the same set of core beliefs, I brought to my clients when I had my own small business and that is to connect authentically, make you feel seen, heard and understood and to serve your best interests. I will bring to you all my experience as a small business owner and support you as a certified systems business coach. I’m looking forward to making new friends and am always open to a chat over coffee, sharing ideas or just having a laugh, if anyone wants to connect with me, please book a free discovery call.

Want to learn more? Speak with Pauline Penedo, Certified Systems Business Coach®

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