Goals Webinar

GOALS Webinar

Learn goal setting mindsets and methods that can turn your dreams, ideas and your aspirations into goals and action plans.

Do you have some great ideas, big plans and ambitious goals in place, but despite the good intentions, somehow they get overtaken by the pressing demands of the day-to-day and just don't seem to get closer to realization?

Reaching goals, whether personal, career or business, is a real challenge in an ever-changing and uncertain world.

Could setting, managing and achieving your goals help make 2021 your best year ever?

Goal setting brings focus, direction, strategy and destination all into play. It brings change, and with it new behaviours and desired outcomes. It is a learned skill. To optimize your success in achieving goals, this webinar looks to bring new information, refresh your understanding of goal setting, and to do practical exercises to find your worthwhile business or personal goal, and turn it into an action plan.

Equally important, learning new methods and guidelines to goal setting also requires the tools to meet some of the challenges in reaching the goals and success. This course will help prepare you for those opportunities. One decision, one goal reached, could change the direction of your business and your life. Make 2021 your best year ever. Invest two hours in yourself. Register to join the Goals webinar.
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January 2, 2021
10 am-12 pm (Noon)
MST (-7)

Items Covered:

Green Checkbox


Why they matter and why they work.
Green Checkbox


A proven framework to goal setting. How to approach and structure a goal-setting plan.
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Using the guidelines to identify your important goals.
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Taking your goal and turning it into an action plan that considers some of those challenges, distractions and obstacles that can get in the way.
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Working to stay on goal focus when living the action plan; ready for and getting through the difficult spots to reach your goal.

Your Presenter

Max Harvey

Max is a seasoned senior coach who brings his 30+ years leadership experience as a naval officer, government executive, election administrator, and entrepreneur in service to his clients.

He partners with business owners and leaders to leverage their potential, energies, and insights to deliver success and prosperity.  
This includes the strategic look to implement deliberate change, to improve business systems, and develop the entrepreneur and business resiliency to seize opportunity and withstand challenges.
Max Harvey full body

What You Will Learn to Help Bring You Success

Green Checkbox

What goals mean to you

Green Checkbox

How to plan to achieve your goals

Green Checkbox

What it takes for success

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