More Systems Business Coach® stories

I’ll never forget that first meeting with Beverlee. She listened to my story, taking notes, and asking questions. She started drawing boxes on paper and started inventorying these abstract ideas and feelings and turning them into concrete objectives. After that one meeting, what was once was a giant ball of knotted ugliness now had definition and contrast with a beginning and an end. All the problems and issues were still there, surely, but I could grasp them now, and go on the offensive. I had something to work with. I had goals now and they had a timeline and could be measured!
Here we are five years later, and Beverlee and I still talk every Thursday. I look forward to our discussions just as much now as I did when I had all of these seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Our income has more than quadrupled, and we’ve won awards for both growth and profitability. Our staff has tripled, and as well as the number of customers in our portfolio.

By using the tools that you gave us we have structured our business and put more emphasis on working on the company rather than in it. We have broken down our company into a “franchise style model” and developed it from the ground up. Even if you think you know everything and your company is doing well. Let SBC show you how you could make it even better!

To whom it may concern in regards to hiring a Systems Business Coach as your personal Business Coach-
DO it.
Your business (and your life) will never be the same !
My coach is extremely invested in each and every person she meets and has a keen eye for seeing past the present moment to a brighter future and will equip and empower you to reach your goals!
What if anything has changed in your business as a result of your coaching experience?
Everything has changed. I believe Beverlee may have taken a diamond in the rough…which is defined as someone (or something) that has hidden exceptional characteristics and/or future potential, but currently lacks the final touches that would make them (or it) truly stand out from the crowd.
The phrase is metaphorical and relates to the fact that naturally occurring diamonds are quite ordinary at first glance, and that their true beauty as jewels is only realized through the cutting and polishing process.
She helped refine my business…

The Systems Business Coach program gave me a lot of clarity. It was the revelation that I needed to identify the elements of my business that needed to be cleaned up. Post-coaching, I took new approaches to interacting with clients. The concept of systematizing my process was the best take-away. The program has felt like it set me on a new course towards my goals: making more personal time in my life, and learning to work smarter, not longer.
I think it’s an excellent idea to hire Beverlee. She warm, smart, experienced and cuts to the core of what’s going on. I have described my experiences to other and they have said they need to follow in my steps and get guidance from Beverlee.

Beverlee came highly recommended as a business coach that could help us systematize our fast-growing business. We needed that support so it was a no-brainier.
I feel like our company is more organized, which will be essential if we continue growing at 100% each year. I have a better overall view of the organization, which helps me guide my team. We have started to systematize our organization through a Wikipedia format specific for our company. If you are looking to accelerate your business growth, make sure you hire a Systems Business Coach first.

If you want success – and really success is based on having the right systems and strategies, then Beverlee is the expert to make that happen. I have experienced these results over and over again as well as watching other people that have used business coaching and systems to achieve massive success and results. I can’t recommend her highly enough to people “stuck” in their business!

Concentrating and launching my business was a lot to focus on, so having a business coach helped me look at the overall picture and vision. While focusing, scheduling and having accountability to manage milestones, systems and work flow.
What if anything has changed in your business as a result of your coaching experience?
My beliefs, dreams and visions for the business was something that I always wanted, and sometimes when your so involved in it, you can loose your focus and the overall picture. The result of having this business coaching experience kept me on track and let me take breathers to step outside the picture, look in and see what I have created.

I learned the importance of working ON my business and not just IN it. Work ON your business and create jobs for other people. Don’t be a slave to your business and spend all of your time working IN it. If you are unhappy with your business and want more out of it, as well as more out of your life in general, I strongly recommend that you get in touch with Beverlee @ Systems Business Coach.
What if anything has changed in your personal world as a result of your coaching experience?

Working with a business coach has improved our Company Culture. We have learned the important of team work and how you treat people. We liked the fact they were seriously interested in our journey and the positives and negative we experience and what they were willing to do to support us.