Client Stories

Results for Small business owners, in their own words
A world where all business owners have the skills, tools and confidence to positively contribute to a healthy world economy, creating meaningful employment while maintaining personal prosperity and freedom

Describe how working with a business coach has improved your business skills

1- Leadership: working with my business coach helped me find the right hire and put the systems in place to create a great working relationship.

2- Beverlee was integral in helping me put systems in place for my company to create consistency in volumes of business as well as being able to service those volumes as promised.

3- Beverlee was able to get across the importance of keeping records, knowing where my finances stand at all times so I can measure my business results.

4- Beverlee helped me with my WHY so that the people in and around my company know what we stand for and that has helped create a culture in my business.

5- Beverlee has helped me understand the importance of lead generating activities and what I need to do to engage my clients (past and present) as well as my referral partners

What if anything has changed in your business as a result of your coaching experience?

Since working with Beverlee I’ve had new doors open up, I’ve broken down barriers within myself that have been there for years and realized I have everything I need to be successful.


Zach Silverman Portrait
Zach Silverman

Beverlee is  AMAZING!! She will have you thinking about your business in ways you never thought of. She will keep you accountable and will not accept excuses for anything. She sees things outside the box and systematically tackles every aspect of the business that is working less than optimally. She has systems and templates for everything and it makes the process efficient and exciting. In her no-nonsense and completely supportive way, she will quickly have you either owning a smoothly-running, prosperous business you love, or you will come to the realization that it is not for you so you can sell/get out of it and onto your true calling successfully.

Jolienne Moore Portrait
Jolienne Moore

Beverlee’s energy and brilliant ideas!  She has the ability to connect personally and then empower us to go new places!

What would you say to someone thinking about hiring me as their coach?

Do it!  I tell people everyday this experience has been therapeutic for me!  I am better to work for, more confident and clearer in the direction we are headed!  So valuable.



Bridget Orsetti Side Image
Bridget Orsetti
Gallery at Saratoga

“Because of the systems coaching method,   I know that projects will take less time.  My level of procrastination has lessened as I know I can tackle things easier/faster.”

“We will be able to draw on this for years! What we may not have found useful at the time will be useful next week, next year…each system builds onto another one.”

About you:

Kutula, “in South African, means peace; and peace is what the founders of Kutula Kiss want to share with the world through something as simple as fun, trending jewellery.”


Kathy Pettigrew Becoming a More Confident Leader
Kathy Pettigrew

What has been your favorite life/business lesson or take away from our meetings?

“Systems work! Make it work the first time then repeat repeat!

What would you say to someone thinking about hiring me as their coach?

DO IT! best single one thing you can do today to put your company in a better position to succeed

Jamie’s story:

Skyline Valet Service
Jamie Metzner

Beverlee is a great  speaker, she makes complex issues understandable, uses life stories to illustrate issues, draws on audience to engage them for input.  She was truly interested in my business and making me succeed.

Wanda McNamara Comic Profile
Wanda McNamara
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