Describe how working with a business coach has improved your business skills
1- Leadership: working with my business coach helped me find the right hire and put the systems in place to create a great working relationship.
2- Beverlee was integral in helping me put systems in place for my company to create consistency in volumes of business as well as being able to service those volumes as promised.
3- Beverlee was able to get across the importance of keeping records, knowing where my finances stand at all times so I can measure my business results.
4- Beverlee helped me with my WHY so that the people in and around my company know what we stand for and that has helped create a culture in my business.
5- Beverlee has helped me understand the importance of lead generating activities and what I need to do to engage my clients (past and present) as well as my referral partners
What if anything has changed in your business as a result of your coaching experience?
Since working with Beverlee I’ve had new doors open up, I’ve broken down barriers within myself that have been there for years and realized I have everything I need to be successful.