Client Stories

Results for Small business owners, in their own words
A world where all business owners have the skills, tools and confidence to positively contribute to a healthy world economy, creating meaningful employment while maintaining personal prosperity and freedom

If you have a desire to improve, absolutely work with Beverlee as she is a good listener and astute person who will at proper timing provide good direction. Do get to know her and do not maintain secrets as holding them does you little good.

What if anything has changed in your business as a result of your coaching experience?

I have assumed  full control and am working hard at holding personnel accountable for their activities.
Brian R
Name hidden at request of Client

Coaching can give everyone a deeper clarity of all areas of your business. It helps you look at and work on long term goals daily.   My coach assisted me in understanding that I know what will be successful in my business and to stay focused on that, and find my confidence around being firm with others regarding my business model.

Elizabeth Walker Portrait

Beverlee is not only an amazing business coach, but an amazing person. I believe she can help anyone get on the path to success if they are willing to try.

I have gained the confidence to go out and find new clients again. I have also learned how to step back in your business and look at what systems are broken and how to overcome those issues.



Corey Wilson Illustration
Corey Wilson

My business coach has given me the confidence  to move forward with my business. I have the experience of working with her and probably my biggest take away was that I do not have to do this alone. I now know that no matter what challenge I come across in my business, I know that there is someone out there that can help me move through it. There are answers, and for that I am grateful.


Carol Surbey Portrait
Carol Surbey

If someone is even remotely considering hiring you as a business coach – they should do it!! I had expected a coach to be cold and corporate. Instead, you are warm, sympathetic and only tough when necessary. Our entire team has improved morale and confidence.


What if anything has changed in your personal world as a result of your coaching experience?

1) I am not afraid to be a confident leader. I know to listen and have others (employees or clients) feel heard and understood.

2) We are implementing systems regularly and, as we work on projects we devise effective systems for managing projects. The feeling of chaos and lack of confidence is gone.

4) Our improved confidence is allowing us to reach out to new clients, and not be scared of new chapters for our business.

I’m able to relax and enjoy my free time more. I would previously feel anxious whenever I wasn’t in the office. It’s ok for me to now take the time to breath and enjoy life.
Melanie Mohart Portrait

I have a better understanding of what I WANT!

Knowing that someone cares about what is going on in my business and my life.   We discuss ways of finding a solution that works and look at preventing bad situations from happening again by implementing systems.

Over the past five years working with Beverlee..

I have grown my team
I feel more organized
I’m a more confident leader
I am making more money
I have a better understanding of how my business works
I better understand my company financials
I am more clear of what my product is and where it fits in the market
Getting new customers is easeir now
I have started using and documenting systems in my company
I have more freedom

Steve Carter Portrait
Steven Carter

I appreciated the one-on-one coaching and being able to get direct advice that related TO MY BUSINESS. Beverlee was a wonderful instructor – very encouraging, inspiring and motivational.

Yvonne Wong Portrait
Yvonne Wong

Your ability to ask us some hard questions without judgement and offer a different perspective for looking at some of our business situations.

Shervin Communications
Sherrin Western

“I would recommend strongly for anyone to work with you. You are an inspiring coach with fresh ideas, encouragement, just the right amount of sass, and a sincere commitment to helping your clients find the most successful path.”

What if anything has changed in your business as a result of your coaching experience?

Things have definitely streamlined in many ways (though many more to go), like buying habits, pricing formulas, more effective delegation. I feel, in general, I am more inspired by my business and have a realistically happier, more hopeful disposition regarding it. You have helped us understand more about the cost side of the business. We have successfully cut costs by 25% over the past year and you played a huge role in that.
Allison MacKenzie Portrait
Allison MacKenzie

I was able to take a step back and “snap out of” the circle I was in. I feel refreshed and ready to  carry on.  I feel reminded of the other important things in life besides the business and feel like I am able to balance the priorities better.

What would you say to someone thinking about hiring me as their coach?

You are a life saver!

You have my best interests at heart!

You are very professional and efficient. Honest and truly working to make the quality of life and business better for the person you are coaching.



Siobhan Martinez Portrait
Siobhan Martinez
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