The 6-Step System to Happiness as a Small Business Owner

Happiness in business… is that an oxymoron? Whoever is happy in their business must not be trying hard enough! Business owners should give every last bit of energy to their company. After all, the more you work, the more profits you’ll have, and the happier you will be, right? Red flag! This is not true!

14 Empowering Ways Small Business Owners Can Improve Their Time Management

Small business owners need to be masters of time management because there’s so much to do on any given day. I’ve seen small business owners push themselves to the limits to meet these demands. And instead of being invigorated by their achievements, they feel burnt out. If that’s you, you can try some of the

Why Coaching is the New Leadership Skill You Need

You’ve probably heard of business coaching before. And I’m guessing that when you picture a business coach, you think of someone from outside of your organization who can come in and help your business prosper and grow. But did you know that coaching is also a communication technique you can use with your team? What

Top 7 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Supplier

Suppliers determine many of the costs of your business and can significantly impact the quality of your product. The relationship with your supplier can make or break your business. With such high stakes, what factors should you consider when choosing a supplier? Price Quality Reliability Communication Financially stable Capacity Payment terms 1. Price Price is

3 Typical Taxes Small Businesses Need to Pay

What taxes do small businesses pay? The answer depends on what country or region you are in, plus the type of business you have! No matter where you are, you have to pay taxes to someone. There are three types of taxes that most small business owners will have to pay: Sales Tax Payroll Tax

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How the Canadian Government Supports Small Businesses with Training and Coaching

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