Companies Live and Die by Their Customer Service

Ask anyone in your family or your close circle of friends this question, “When have you received the best customer service?” They will tap their chin and think about it. Then, they will regale a story about a hotel that helped them get checked in early. Maybe an online company didn’t charge them for something due

How to Create a Relationship that Your Customers Love

Relationships are a two-way street — in order to build a strong bond with your customers, you need to show understanding, recognize their needs, and put systems in place that will keep customers feeling loved.

6 Simple Steps to Providing the Kind of Customer Service that Gets People Talking

Is it worth investing in your customer service system?

Ask anyone when they received the best customer service. Odds are, they will regale a story about a company that reduced a charge, or an airline that held a flight and saved their day.

Ask them whether they’ll continue buying from that company and you’ll hear about their deep loyalty and how much they recommend or repeatedly buy from that company.

When Policies and Procedures Kill Sales and Service

This holiday season I have seen more bad behavior caused by staff following policies and procedures than any other year. I doubt the owners of these companies have any clue that the systems and structure they put in place are actually hurting their service reputation and costing them money.

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