7 Genuine Ways to Network as a Small Business Owner

When you think about networking, does it make your skin crawl? There is intense pressure to be liked because not only is your reputation as a person on the line, but now your business is too. Or perhaps it doesn’t feel right to talk to someone when your main intention is to get something out

Changing Your Story: World Domination Summit 2022

In June, two of my staff members attended the World Domination Summit (WDS) in Portland, Oregon. This summit is best described as a summer camp for entrepreneurs and creative thinkers mixed with TED talks and dinosaurs. I asked my staff members if there was anything they wanted to share about what they experienced there. Avery,

The BIG Small Business Squeeze: Are You In It and Can You Get Out Of It?

It’s year 3 of a pandemic. Yes, that’s right. Year 3. Remember when they said it would be 2 months? Back then, it was understandable to close your business, to pivot, to put in new safety measures, or to support your staff with extra days off. Now, 3 years later, small business owners are being

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How the Canadian Government Supports Small Businesses with Training and Coaching

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