The BIG Small Business Squeeze: Are You In It and Can You Get Out Of It?

It’s year 3 of a pandemic. Yes, that’s right. Year 3. Remember when they said it would be 2 months? Back then, it was understandable to close your business, to pivot, to put in new safety measures, or to support your staff with extra days off. Now, 3 years later, small business owners are being

5 Functional Areas of Business You Need to Know as an Entrepreneur

It’s no secret that entrepreneurs wear many hats. Especially when you are first starting out, and sometimes even until retirement, small business owners have a lot to do. It is no wonder so many businesses fail: there is so much to know and apply to be successful in business.  What’s most important to focus on?

The Savvy Entrepreneur’s Secret to Better Customer Service

Great companies are built on the solid foundation of a great reputation. And as you may know, you need excellent customer service to maintain such a reputation. So how do you create great customer service? There’s a simple thing you can do, and it all lies in your systems. Great customer service Ask anyone in

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Target Market Analysis Template

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How the Canadian Government Supports Small Businesses with Training and Coaching

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