Listening: Your Greatest Business Leadership Tool

As a small business owner, your greatest leadership strength is your ability to listen. When you do this well everything else will fall into place. Communication systems start with learning how to listen. We gain knowledge and power when we listen to employees, suppliers, bankers, mentors and customers. Listening to customers for ideas, and feedback can quickly increase

New Hire Onboarding: Tips for Small Business Owners

Have you spent countless hours searching for the right person for your job opening? Now it’s finally time to start onboarding the new hire. The promise of finally having help comes with the fear of taking on this huge responsibility. If you can offload some of the work you’re currently doing, you can look forward

7 Common Traps that Stop You From Building Trust with Your Employees

Do you trust your team? Or are you biting your nails waiting for a call when you are out of the office? If you are, you may have fallen into a trust trap! These are patterns small business owners fall into that could affect the performance of their team. So how can you build trust

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Position Agreement Template

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Target Market Analysis Template

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How the Canadian Government Supports Small Businesses with Training and Coaching

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