7 Small Business Leadership Skills to Increase Your Confidence

It’s not easy being the boss. At the end of the day, the responsibility for your company’s results rests on your shoulders and it can be a heavy burden. Here are some business leadership skills you can incorporate to have an easier and more fulfilling experience as the boss! 1. Vision Go back to the

5 Self-Care Tips For Small Business Owners to Avoid Burnout

With so many books and blogs about time management, you would think that we would all be living the great entrepreneurial dream and working only a few hours a week. We’d all have amazing self-care systems and never feel stressed running our businesses! Like many entrepreneurs, long days, late nights, massive stressors, eating on the

20 Self-Reflection Prompts to Strengthen Your Business Leadership Skills

It’s not easy being the boss. At the end of the day, the responsibility for your company’s results rests on your shoulders and it can be a heavy burden. A common challenge for small business owners is not being aware of their leadership style and the impact this has on the entire organization. A simple

What is Systems Thinking and How Can it Benefit Your Business?

Are you looking for a strategy that can turn your small business from chaos to calm, struggling to profitable? If so, you are going to love systems thinking. What is systems thinking? Systems thinking is a mindset and strategy for solving problems. When someone uses systems thinking they analyze HOW something is happening and make

145 Small Business Theme Ideas For This Year and How to Choose Yours

You may think of a theme as something saved for parties or English essays. Did you know it’s also an effective tool for leading your small business? A theme is a simple thing. It’s a recurring idea that shows up in all your business goals. When you identify your theme, it acts as a guide.

Why Core Values Have a Huge Impact on Your Small Business

What are core values? Why are they so important for your business? When you align your values with your company you’ll see positive changes such as: An increase in customer volume and loyalty. More productivity and inspiration from your employees. More joy and prosperity for you, the business owner. Sound too good to be true?

Why Coaching is the New Leadership Skill You Need

You’ve probably heard of business coaching before. And I’m guessing that when you picture a business coach, you think of someone from outside of your organization who can come in and help your business prosper and grow. But did you know that coaching is also a communication technique you can use with your team? What

The #1 Thing Small Business Owners Neglect

Could it be over-due bills? Team building? Social media presence? It may come as a surprise to you, but the #1 thing small business owners neglect is themselves. Issues that come up are general health, exhaustion, no exercise, not taking prescribed medication, not taking time to go to a doctor, being overweight, no sleep, self-medicating

Why Every Business Leader Needs to Practice Personal Mastery

In the front window of my friend’s house is a lemon tree. It’s a small tree, sitting at about 2ft tall. For the longest time, my friend was perplexed as to why it wasn’t growing. She spritzed it with water twice a day and she rotated the pot so the plant was getting an even

The #1 Strategy to Effectively Train a New Employee

Training a new employee is exciting and terrifying. On one hand, you have more help! You can offload work and start getting more done towards building your dream business. You get to work ON your business, not IN it. On the other, you could spend all this time and money training someone, and then they

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