14 Empowering Ways Small Business Owners Can Improve Their Time Management

14 Empowering Ways Small Business Owners Can Improve Their Time Management

Small business owners need to be masters of time management because there’s so much to do on any given day. I’ve seen small business owners push themselves to the limits to meet these demands. And instead of being invigorated by their achievements, they feel burnt out. If that’s you, you can try some of the


How to Improve Communication in Your Organization

How to Improve Communication in Your Organization

How to Improve Communication in Your Organization

Who has the most influence on how well an organization communicates? YOU! The owner and leader of your business. Your greatest leadership asset is your ability to communicate. Do this well and everything else will fall into place. Communication systems What is a system? A system is simply the way something happens. The way you do anything in


Why Every Business Leader Needs to Practice Personal Mastery

Why Every Business Leader Needs to Practice Personal Mastery

In the front window of my friend’s house is a lemon tree. It’s a small tree, sitting at about 2ft tall. For the longest time, my friend was perplexed as to why it wasn’t growing. She spritzed it with water twice a day and she rotated the pot so the plant was getting an even


7 Things You Need to Know About The Canada Summer Jobs Grant (2021)

Hire a student in 2021

7 Things You Need to Know About The Canada Summer Jobs Grant (2021)

Today you’re going to see what you can do to apply for the Canada Summer Jobs Grant (CSJ). This grant helps you hire a new employee to grow your business. It’s perfect for any small business owner who needs more help on a budget. Plus you can empower youth in your community. Here’s what you


How to sell your Business

Beverlee working on selling her travel business

How to sell your Business

Against all odds, twenty years ago today, I sold my business. Having owned the agency for seven years it was time to sell. My family was growing and with a third child on the way the decision was easy. People tell me I was lucky. Lucky that I sold my travel agency when I did.


How Business Sucess Can Be Achieved Through Systems

How Business Sucess Can Be Achieved Through Systems

Do you consider your business to be successful? Are you making the money you want and do you have the freedom you desire? If not, you may need to take a look at your systems. Your systems are directly responsible for your business success. When you control your systems, you control your business outcomes. Many


Women business owners need to read The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber

The E Myth by Michael Gerber

Women business owners need to read The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber

The list of best business books to read continues to grow. However, one book stands above all the others called The E-Myth Revisited, Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It by Michael E. Gerber. In this powerful account of Sarah the owner of a pie baking shop journey to personal freedom and wealth you will learn the basic business principles of working “ON” your business, not just “IN” it by thinking through the lens of systems. This is my story of a seven year journey doing just that by Beverlee Rasmussen.

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